Q: Is my order confirmed?
A: You will receive an email on order confirmation. Please contact our help desk kailashwari101@gmail.com if you are unsure.

Q: When will you ship my order?
A: We normally ship all orders within 2 business days. Final delivery time will vary based on location.

Q: When will my order get delivered?
A: Transit and delivery time may vary depending on your location and the ordered items.

Q: What places do you ship to?
A: We ship our orders across the globe.

Q: I have received a damaged product, what should I do?
A: In the event that you receive a damaged product, please initiate a return or reach out to us on kailashwari101@gmail.com or call us at +91 89494 24396, Whatsapp number: +91 96100 60872. We will resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

Q: Any customization (Logo/Tag) available?
A: Yes, customization is available on all products as per requirement.

Q: What is Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)?
A: We take orders for as small quantity as 10 per order. Please write to us if you have any issues regarding this.